Jun 29Liked by Emily Chenoweth

When I was little, I didn’t crawl. Like the tree needing the wind - I should have crawled, but someone held me or put me in the play pen. Doctors say today my dyslexia can be helped with crawling. It does. I get down on all fours and redo my crawling phase. Words come to me after a good crawl, or like the wind for the trees - it heals the past.

Great article!


Casie Halseth

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Jun 29Liked by Emily Chenoweth

There is a tonne of research about development of children through crawling and struggling to reach for objects (Esther Thelen wrote a dense book about it). Just like the biome tree that needs wind, the children need purpose and exploration (and play) to develop.

I put crawling and rolling movements in nearly all warm ups for children (and a lot for teenagers too).

It works wonders for co-ordination. Skipping is good too. I started to do this after observing their lack of co-ordination and basic strength.

Sorry, came here for the writing but saw this reply and couldn't help expand and support.

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love this, thank you for sharing!

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That is incredible!!

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Here's a piece I wrote a few years back: https://excelsiorgroup.co.uk/dont-be-cruel-to-kittens-or-children/ it involves a study on kittens which forced them to stay stuck in place. I don't know how that passed the ethics committee. Environment matters hugely.

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Yes! Thank you for the reminder to revive something! doing it!

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